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Bratislava  TTC 200 Hours

Yoga teacher's training program in Bratislava

200 Hours Yoga Alliance registered

September 2-4 onwards 



Yoga Alliance USA  registered Yoga instructor course in Bratislava, Slovakia with an Indian yoga school. Our course will provide you with necessary knowledge, skills, and insight to become an influential yoga teacher. We take pride of being an authentic yoga school from Rishikesh with an international experience of teaching more than 5000 hours of courses in Europe (Austria, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Italy). Our experience of teaching in the west has shaped our course and teaching methodology, that makes it easily accessible to our international students. We have a development center in form of the yoga studio at Budapest, Hungary, where we deliver our courses, workshops, and lectures on yoga and Ayurveda.


Our Yoga Teacher Training is able to provide a solid foundation for those who are seeking to explore the true gifts of yoga and share it with others.


We are an experienced faculty that is committed to providing an open and inspiring education in the field of yoga and Ayurveda while allowing you to uncover your true interests and potential within the yogic path.



The course contents in short 

BinduSar™ Yoga YTT Curriculum 200 hrs in short.


Module 1.

  • Yoga philosophy and Hatha yoga studies

  • Indian philosophy (Astika and Nastika), Six schools of Indian philosophy (Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Purva Mimamsa and Vedanta ) 

  • History of yoga, Evolution of yoga,

  • Main text from Patanjali Yoga sutras and Hatha yoga pradipika. 

  • Traditional schools of Yoga, Modern modification of yoga, Yoga relation with Hinduism and Buddhism

  • Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga), 

  • Introduction to Bhakti yoga, Karma yoga, Gyana yoga. 


Module 2.

  • Anatomy and Physiology:

  • In-depth study of 35 key muscles with their origin, insertion, and function, along with their relevance in adjustments and alignments.

  • Movement and Postures, three-dimensional analysis, Gravitational analysis, Technical analysis, sight and touch, stretching, Sacroiliac nutation and counter nutation, Pelvis and anatomical perineum. 

  • The Skeletal system and movement, Anatomy of spine, Symmetry and asymmetry, The Cardiovascular system, blood circulation, heart, pulmonary, systemic and coronary circulation, Digestive system, excretory system, Muscular system, Nervous system, Vestibular system.

  • Respiratory system, Muscles of respiration, breathing and postures, Somatic and Autonomic systems, Thoracic and paradoxical breathing, Supine and sitting abdominal breathing.


Module 3

  • Hatha Yoga practices

  • Asanas: Detail explanation and practice of Asanas from Hatha yoga. The Asanas are explained in detail to understand their core lying physical, psychological and spiritual aspect. A strong and technically aligned practice of 120 hours.

  • Asanas included in first level course:

  • Tadasana

  • Vrksasana

  • Utkatasana

  • Utthita Trikonasana

  • Parivrtta Trikonaasana

  • Utthita Parsavkonasana

  • Virbhadrasana I

  • Virbhadrasana II

  • Parsvottanasana

  • Chaturanga dandasana

  • Dandasana

  • Vajraasana

  • Sukhasana

  • Padmasana

  • Siddhasana

  • Padangusthasana

  • Prasarita Padottanasana I

  • Prasarita Padottanasana II

  • Prasarita Padottanasana III

  • Prasarita Padottanasana IV

  • Adhomukha Svanasana

  • Vashisthasana I

  • Sarvanga asana I, II, III

  • Hala asana

  • Supta padangusthasana A

  • Supta Padangusthasana B

  • Bhujangasana Basic

  • Dhanurasana basic

  • Udharva mukha Dhanurasana/Chakra asana

  • Bakasana

  • Hanumanasana

  • Sirsasana

  • Paschimottanasana

  • Purvouttanasana

  • Matsyasana

  • Marichyasana I & III

  • Ustrasana

  • Shavasana    

  • Pranayamas: All the major 6 pranayama’s and their detail role in      human conscious development. Prana and upa prana, Tejas, Ojas. 

  • Bandhas and Mudras:  All the major Mudras.

  • Bandhas include: Application of Uddiyana, Moolabandha, and Jalandhara Bandha.

  • Shatkarmas: The cleaning techniques from Hatha Yoga and Gherand Samhita are done to bring graceful effects of yoga. The Shatkarmas included are Neti, Kunjal, Nauli, Kapalabhatti and Trataka.


Module 4.

  • Yoga therapy and diet

  • Common diseases and yoga effectiveness include first basic 8 common ailments.

  • Introduction to Ayurveda, Prakriti, tri doshas, Vata, pitta and kapha, Sapta dhatus and up dhatus

  • Yoga diet, Rituals of eating, Qualities of foods, Six tastes, six seasons and effect on Doshas. The common ailments and their cure are discussed.


Module 5

  • Yoga Physiology and Psychology

  • Yoga physiology, Chakras, nadis.

  • Kundalini and its Hazards of wrong activation.

  • Koshas and senses.

  • States of mind, affliction, 

  • Motivation, memory, cognition and emotion from the point of Yoga and Modern aspects. Sleep, depression, anxiety, Macro and micro cosmic, subtle energies, powers of mind, Spiritualism.


Module 6.

  • Relaxation and meditation

  • Yoga Nidra, Dharana sutra, Ajpa japa, Mounna.


Module 7.

Teaching methodology and Self-practice

  • Art of adjustments.

  • Special and latest developments in adjustments.

  • Art of designing the group and individual classes

  • Class psychology

  • Grounding the class

  • Flow and viniyasa methodology.

  • Defining the class and its objective

  • Impact of yoga on human psychology

  • Technical analysis of alignment and adjustments

  • Alignment for various needs

  • Sequencing the class

  • Understanding students and their character.

  • Designing safe and progressive practice of yoga

  • Ethical guidelines and values for teachers

  • Conducting the classes for fellow students.


Assessment and examination:


Every week a theoretical written or oral test will be conducted to assess the understanding of yoga. 

The final exam will contain written and practical evaluations.

The practical exam contains:

Any ten postures evaluation.

Shatkarma especially; Neti and Nauli.

Conducting a short class or assessing the case study of any practice.


The dates of the course: 2022

  • September 2-4

  • October 21-23

  • November 4-6

  • November 18-20

  • December 15-18

  • January 7-8, 2023



  • Friday 10:00 - 17:30

  • Saturday: 9:00 – 17:30

  • Sunday : 8:30 – 16:00


The price of course (200 hours) and application: 

For information click at the link below to our partners. All information regarding registration, payment and location.

Yoga Darshana


Teachers in this course:

Mukesh Kothari and assistant teachers.













Adjustment of posture
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